A Full Couple of Days.
The past two days have been interesting, to say the very least. It is now Friday evening, so I'll begin with Thursday morning, when I decided to run some errands. I had laundry to do, and was listening to some podcasts on my Palm, when I decided I wanted to listen to them on my iPod, instead. The only hitch in the plan was that I did not, at the time, own an iPod. Three hours and one trip to Best Buy later, I did own an iPod, and was listening to podcasts on it.
Work that evening was a little slow, and made slower by the fact that I wanted to get home to play with my shiny new toy.
I didn't sleep very well last night, because I realized that, while I was getting a paycheck this morning, I had also written a check to be cashed today, and if those two competing forces on my bank account didn't happen in the order in which I mentioned them, I would go severely into debt for a few minutes. Fortunately, when I checked my account this morning, I found that they had hit it in the preferred chronocity. Or something.
In a newfound desire to feed music to my iPod, I went to the used CD store down the street, where I found a most excellent album for nine bucks. This, I feel, was well worth the effort. Now, if only they had audiobooks...
Work today was not what I would've expected. Normally, when I am on blood-draw duty, I either have a good day (in which I get a lot of blood) or a bad day (in which I can barely get any blood). Today started off bad, and I was not getting very much blood at all. I went off to break, meditated on the problem, decided I was not going to let past failures influence future duties, and started getting every draw I went on. The other phlebotomist on duty was relieved at this turn-around, and everybody in the lab was surprised as hell. I'm not sure anyone has managed to simply decide not to continue having a bad day in the lab, or for that matter, anywhere ever. Or at least, not successfully. But now that I have, I am filled with a deep-seated desire to give overpriced inspirational speeches. Feel the empowerment of assertiveness paradigm-shift, or something. (Literally, "Give me money now, darnit".)