Sunday, July 30, 2006

Am I allowed to say "Batshit crazy" here?

EXR is at it again. She has threatened to sue me over a matter of $310, which she thinks I've been hanging on to for weeks. A good rule of thumb: never sue anyone over a matter of less than $1000. It is so not worth your time and money.

Anyway, to give you a good timeline:
1. Sometime in the past: EXR becomes batshit crazy.
2. Last Wednesday: EXR calls because she thinks I'm holding out on her. As if we'd committed a bank heist together. Yeah.
3. Last Thursday: I actually get the money, which I proceed to ignore. It's arguable that I have a claim on it (it's a security deposit for our old apartment; I didn't pay into it, but I didn't set the place on fire, either), but I don't really want to get into all that. It's her money, I wish they'd sent it to her, but they didn't. They probably don't like dealing with her any more than anyone else seems to.
4. Last Saturday: She calls a second time, leaving a voicemail on my phone to the effect of "I know you've been holding out on me. Get me the money or I'll sue." She will be a wonderful pimp someday.
5. Today (Monday)... (pending): I give her a call at the ungodly hour at which I get off work tonight, tell her I'll put her damn money in the mail in the morning, and hope that I'm telling her voicemail and not her. Dealing with her is unpleasant, in case I haven't made that point clear. Then, I put the damn money in the mail.

Well, the ungodly hour at which I get off work is drawing near. (I'm not doing this at work, but what the hell- calling people at 3 am is okay if you don't like them). If I wind up dead, you'll know who to blame, I'm sure.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I still exist, I swear!

It has been such a huge month, and I haven't done my reader the courtesy of blogging about it. How horrible of me. Anyway.....

I am doing pretty well in my new apartment. I do not have the place set up fully yet, but there's no real rush on that. I can support four guests in my home (provided two of them supply their own bedding), so I guess that's what really counts.

I am still reeling a bit from Mike and Kim's wedding. I know it's all about them, but still, I can't help but feel proud for having introduced them. It's very cool. Pictures are available on the internet, as well as a short video of three bachelors doing the bachelor thing. (I hope it's cool that I provided a link to those sites, Scott!)

I have not had a cigarette in approximately two months, thirteen days, twelve hours and four minutes. In another couple of weeks, it will have been a full three months. And yet, the cravings continue.

In exchange for my extended nicotine fast, I knit, which I think you might have already known. I am knitting less these days than I used to; does that mean I'm less likely to start smoking again now, or more? At the moment, I tend toward the latter, for reasons that are frustrating and stupid, and tied up with my evil ex-roommates and their idiotic security deposit. You see, they were supposed to receive both halves of the deposit (it's only fair; they paid both halves). The management company said they couldn't do that; I had to receive one half, and the evil ex-roommates (I'm sick of typing that. From now on, they are the exr's.) got the other, and I was to send them a check for my half when I got it. Unfortunately, because the good and kindhearted people at the management company seem to hate me, I received two checks, both of which have my new address on them, one of which bears the name of the exr who was on the lease with me. I do not want this person to have my new address. It is, because the good and kindhearted people who run the universe seem to hate me, remarkably close to the exrs' new address, and I'm not quite sure what will happen if she gets a check bearing her name and something that is almost, but not quite, her address. I really wish she'd have gone to law school like she threatened. I think she'd have fit in very well there, and she'd be far, far away from me.

If I pull up stakes and leave town now, will my various creditors be able to find me?

... Of course they will. I'm too damn honest not to leave a forwarding address.