Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I shouldn't love this...

but I do. There is not a part of the story that doesn't fill me with rage (Why can't Republicans be honest? Why is it still a crime to be gay? Why are there bathroom police?), but the thing as a whole makes me very happy.

Work is going well. I got swamped with work, but I called in Mike and we got things under control.

This weekend was awesomeness itself. The wedding went very well, and I got to meet a bunch of people, none of whom sucked. There was someone who played the part of the drunken relative, but it wasn't me, and she didn't get really obnoxious about it, so it was cool. (I wouldn't even have remembered it if her daughter hadn't made such a point of apologizing for her.) People had a lot of fun, and my version of "Re: Your Brains" was enjoyable. (I would provide a link to the song itself, but Jonathan Coulton's website is being dumb. Here are two other links for your edification.) So yeah, cool wedding. Someone who was more involved than I should blog about it, but they don't blog much. Fortunately, I live with them now, so I can yell at them.


There, I did it.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Too much?

I have discovered a comic. It should be taken in moderate doses to maximize enjoyment. (It also inspired an opera; I imagine the same thing holds true of both media.) I'm only about 150 or so strips through the archive, and already I want to sit around and read Sartre and quit my job and smoke more and create anarchy and destroy things and make art and make love and eat a sandwich.

Maybe the comic didn't cause the sandwich thing. What would I know?

Wait... "What would I know?" That's loser talk! That's not the kind of thinking that put names like Limbaugh and Coulter on the map! They said, "I know everything, and anyone who disagrees is wrong and bad!" They said it so many times that people started to agree with them! That's going to be me from now on! I will only be right about everything, and anyone who gets in my way should be destroyed! Even the people who follow me in lockstep should be barely tolerated! No one knows better than I, and I will unleash a barrage of hatred on anyone who dares to say different! Hahahahhaaaaa!

So, do you like me more yet?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A few pre-bedtime thoughts:

1. Math is sexy. Here's proof.

2. If you get a chance to check out this past week's episode of "Wait, wait... don't tell me", do so. Best guest ever! And they mentioned the monkey/ponytail story I linked to a little while back.

3. I like having a bedtime that is at a real bedtime hour. It makes me feel good.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Am I a dickwad?

Evidently, there is a theory out there that has gained merit... in T-shirt form. I think the shirt explains it all. I do not agree with the theory. Having anonymity and an audience does not a dickwad make; having widespread internet access gives dickwads an audience. Discuss. Feel free to post comments! Unless you are a dickwad.

Monday, August 13, 2007

End of the tunnel?

Or the beginning of something more sinister? I'm wondering what it is Karl Rove has in store for his next job. Balloon animal maker probably will not be very high on his list.

Incidentally, when I read the story, it said that Bush's term would end in January, 2007. Way to go, CNN factcheckers!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I happened across an ad for a book recently. I think I'd have loved this book as a boy.

It seems a little sexist, but I've met a lot of different people with a lot of different sexes (yes, there are more than just the two), and as a general rule, it holds that this book would appeal primarily to boys. They left out some of my personal favorite skills, though. Where is the section on picking simple locks? What if you need to be able to juggle some day? And a harmonica will travel extremely well; every boy should have one (especially the ones who, like me, cannot whistle).

As far as juggling goes, though, there is a classic treatise on the subject (by a prolific author), and lockpicking can be picked up at various sites on the internet. Harmonicas are commonly available and require nothing more than curiosity to quickly learn. Go out! Try one today! Annoy your coworkers!

I think the more time we spend in that childlike state of curiosity, the better the world seems. I expect that, if I were to get an engineering team comprised primarily of twelve-year-olds, I would be able to construct some of the finest inventions mankind has ever seen. The next time you see a twelve-year-old, ask him/her what machine would be just awesome to own. I think you'll find they have some compelling ideas.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Feeling sick?

You will be...

You can thank Mike for the above link. Caution! Not for the stupid. No, wait; it caters pretty exclusively to the stupid. You know how I want to organize mass searches? I also want to organize mass rewrites of that evil, evil site.

I think I earned the title of "weird guy" at the office. When a coworker mentioned she'd never been online, I responded with, and I quote: "If they ever come up with an internet IV hookup, I would be all over that." We then had a little debate over whether you can find information faster online or in books. I conceded that, for information that you would actually use, a book is probably faster for people who do not use the internet ever. But for everything else, I say the net is the way to go!

Now begins my weekend. It's nice to have a weekend when everyone else does. I miss it. I have a little fear in the pit of my stomach, that somehow I'll have to go in to work tonight. I wonder how long that will last.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Many a story on CNN.

A plethora of stories, I found. So many, in fact, that every word in the previous sentence is a link to a separate story. Ain't that something? (Don't ignore those shorter words; a single letter links as well as a trisyllabic one.)

Anyway, I'm blogging after spending a hard day riding the keyboard at work. That's how much I care. About talking about myself. That's a kind of love, right?

Also, I love living here in Monroe. There's nothing to do, but I am with good friends, and I may have my budget under control. Also, we are watching Gilmore Girls, which has Michael York and Bruce McCullogh as guest stars. Who knew? I didn't know. Did you know? If so, why didn't you tell me?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

... Or are you just happy to see me?

Want entertainment? CNN.com never fails.

I'm out here in the sticks, having finally moved in with my bestest friends in the whole world. I still live in Michigan, but I do not work there, which is a little disconcerting. My new job is far superior to my old one; I get paid the same for about one third the work. And I got a newspaper byline for the first time ever today! Hooray! I'm not sure that what the website does is 100% legal, but hey- it's not my job to worry about it. It's barely my job to worry about my job!

This is not to say I don't miss my old coworkers; what I don't miss are, well, the other hospital workers, the work-to-pay ratio, my expensive as hell apartment, and the soul-sucking loneliness of not having roommates. It's nice here. I can't stay forever, but I appreciate what I've got. Anyway, I'll be heading off to bed now; I have to get up for work in the morning, and I have to be a little conscious for it. But only a little!