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I'm out here in the sticks, having finally moved in with my bestest friends in the whole world. I still live in Michigan, but I do not work there, which is a little disconcerting. My new job is far superior to my old one; I get paid the same for about one third the work. And I got a newspaper byline for the first time ever today! Hooray! I'm not sure that what the website does is 100% legal, but hey- it's not my job to worry about it. It's barely my job to worry about my job!
This is not to say I don't miss my old coworkers; what I don't miss are, well, the other hospital workers, the work-to-pay ratio, my expensive as hell apartment, and the soul-sucking loneliness of not having roommates. It's nice here. I can't stay forever, but I appreciate what I've got. Anyway, I'll be heading off to bed now; I have to get up for work in the morning, and I have to be a little conscious for it. But only a little!
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