Automatic society
I just canceled my Netflix account. They asked me why, but then only offered a list of reasons. I chose "other", since "I'm moving in with friends who already have Netflix and your marketshare is so huge it's actually started to hurt you now, take it suckas" wasn't an option. I wonder why.
I think society is getting too damn used to being automated. I mean, Netflix gave me a list of prefab answers to why I might be getting rid of my account; it's just as easy to make a text box and let people give their own creative answers. The problem is, then someone has to actually read all those responses, and make numbers out of them so that the higher-ups can understand what's going on with their business. Their solution is to cut out the middle man and have the people generate the numbers themselves. My solution is to cut out the middle man and have the higher-ups read the responses themselves.
Does anyone want to study a fake society? Here's your chance!
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