Saturday, February 18, 2006

How did their day go?

When I got to work today, I found out that the computer system had gone down early in the morning, and had only kicked back in a little bit before I showed up. How does this affect me? Well, the system tells us whose blood we need to draw, and when. If it goes down, we can't really get anything done, unless we go up to the patient's rooms and randomly stick needles in people until we hit someone who actually needs tests. Good for practice; bad for the legal department.

Anyway, those of us on second shift had to cover not only our own draws, but those that had been scheduled for earlier in the day. It was madness for several hours.

On the plus side, I did manage to get my oil changed today. Hooray for a better-running car! And by the end of next week, I hope to have my very own HDD-based large-capacity MP3 player. I'm looking at one in particular; though the cult of Mac is seductive...

So for now, I have a little while to decide. Ultimately, I'll just go to the store, ask to test drive both models, and make my decision based on that. For now, though, visions of sugar plums (downloaded and displayed on a 2.5" screen) dance through my head.


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