Saturday, January 28, 2006

Will teach for food.

A perennial complaint among students at a certain local college is how much the president of the university makes (about $300,000 per annum, plus such perks as a house and a plane). This wouldn't normally bother anyone, except that they feel the money has to come from somewhere, and recent cutbacks in things such as the maintainence budget have left people feeling a little irritated. I can only imagine how certain world events will go over on campus.

Myself, I wouldn't mind a sweet gig as a university president. Big business, like running a university, looks really easy from outside. If you make decisions purely at random, and your team does well, you get to take credit. If you make decisions purely at random, and your team does poorly, the other guys "just wanted it more". And as near as I can tell, making decisions according to some grand scheme doesn't tend to yield any better results than pure chaos.

As I've often told people, my long term career goals include becoming a professor; which may be an even easier proposition today than ten years ago. Who knows? Maybe I can podcast lectures as many people currently podcast random things. Maybe universities will become obsolete, with higher education available to anyone with the will to learn. Maybe one day I, too, can run a major university like my own personal piggy bank. And maybe not. But hey, predicting the future is one of those things you can do with no "success" requirement. Awesome.


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