Friday, January 20, 2006

Lies, damn lies, and...

I can't stand it when people misuse statistics. Not just from a moral outrage point of view, but from a perspective of family pride, as well. And now, the government is scrounging around for statistics to misuse. Who cares how many searches for porn Google has had? Unless the government can show a) that any portion of those searches were from children, and b) that those searches actually yielded offensive material, the actual number of such searches is irrelevant. And even if those two conditions are met, why didn't the parents password protect their computer? My cable box has a lockout feature on it, so that I can use a simple four-digit passnumber to lock any show from being viewed on that box. Why isn't the government going after porn on premium channels? Do kids have less access to television than the internet?

Parents today are getting let off the hook too easily. I remember well being a kid. Outsmarting my parents was possible, but not for anything serious. I am the middle of five kids, and my folks still managed to keep an eye on me, even though they both worked. Why can't these idiotic, single-income-2.4-kid families keep it together? Or don't the parents of today love their kids anymore?

That must be it. 87.4% of all parents who are involved in these lawsuits hate their kids. They don't want to protect them; that's just a smokescreen for the sick thrills they get out of punishing kids under the guise of protecting them. Also, a third of those children, the ones these parents SAY they're trying to protect, will be cooked and fed to their siblings to fatten them up. See? I can do it too! Where's my cushy government job?


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