Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I got a call from a girl. Honestly, I hadn't expected it; I got her number, and since it's been a while (9 months) since I've been on a date, I might've pursued her a little aggressively, and kept getting her machine. But tonight, she called me, and we had a nice little chat. I'd have asked her out, but she seemed concerned about waking me up, so we stopped the talking earlier than I would've liked.
Anyway, we managed to discuss a few different things, among them, my current gaming obsession. When I told her "Lego Star Wars", she (like so many) thought I was talking about the Legos instead of the video game. I pointed out that I didn't have a high enough nerd quotient to play with the actual Legos, and she rightly pointed out that anyone who would use the phrase "nerd quotient" had a high enough nerd quotient to play with Star Wars-based Legos. That, my friend, is what we call a keeper. (Also, she's a concert violinist who speaks three languages. Nice.)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sick and tired... again.
I am ill. I have a head cold, and am just now getting over it. Actually, that's a lie; I am not yet getting over it. But the signs are good. I had to miss work the other night, but on my way to class today, one of my coworkers spotted me and shouted my name across the crowded hallway. In my current mental state, I am just now getting around to realizing I ought to have been embarrassed. So some good is coming of this.
I got no sleep last night. I am not sure if it's because I was playing a game which is a thing of derivative beauty, or if I was playing the game because I could not sleep. Either way, I made a great deal of progress in a galaxy far away....
But not a whole lot on the sleep front. I tried to make up for that today after class, when I went to bed at about 5 pm. I woke up at 8:15, which I thought at the time was am. It took about half an hour of getting dark, instead of light, for me to realize my error. It's nice, though; it's like I got 12 free hours. Unfortunately, "free" is a relative term: I have to spend at least some of the time working on stats homework, which I only partially understand, because I skipped yesterday's class, which was (apparently) when they explained everything.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Panic attack.
It is now 5:30 in the a of m. I woke up about an hour ago, and I spent a good half hour wondering if I'm capable of actually doing this schedule of working on the weekends (overnight) and going to school on weekdays (afternoons). Part of the problem is that I worked out just how much money I was going to owe various people upon graduation. Part of the problem is that, due to WMU's stupidity (and my own, as well), I didn't realize I had school, not four days a week, but five.
The quick explanation of this bad development is that I did not realize that, when I looked at my "week at a glance" on the university's website, I was not looking at a representative week, but rather at the first week of classes, which didn't have classes on Monday because of Labor Day.
At any rate, I will probably still be able to cover all of my required obligations, but I'll have to give up my extracurricular activities such as knitting, working out, and eating. But hey, it'll all be worth it someday, right? Right?
Monday, September 04, 2006
Deja Vu...
It's all coming back to me now.
I got back from vacation with my family a little while ago. I think it's been a week, but don't hold me to that; life has been moving pretty fast lately. I am going back to school. I start in approximately 26.5 hours. I have no books, and no money for books. Hell, I have no money for food. Fortunately, I have enough peanut butter to last until my next paycheck. No money? No books? Classes starting soon? Didn't I go through this whole thing during the last degree?
Not to worry, though. I will soon get a check from my esteemed university for the change from my student loan. That will cover me for all my debts and things, and get me nicely on keel for the rest of the semester, at which point I'll get another check. I will, of course, eventually have to pay back all of this money, but by then, I'll have a much better job. I hope. The only problem with this plan is that, if it comes back and bites me in the ass because I find I can't stand studying biomedical science, I have to figure that out in the next week or so. After this week, I think I'm pretty locked in to getting this degree. So my only option is to get the hell out of this degree. (Sorry, that's unclear. What I meant was not that I should get out of this degree, but that I should get it, and get it with much enthusiasm. I apologize again, and please don't hurt me.)
I am a little pissed at the bookstore for waiting to get a list of the books I'll need for this semester until I was too poor to buy them, but as I say, all my immediate financial problems will be solved by the end of the week. Zen thought for the month: All financial problems are immediate, because only the immediate problems count in finances. Or something.