Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A slice of my current life.

I live in a house. When I moved in, there was a car in the back yard. Well, not so much "a car", as "enough of the remains of a car to positively identify its genus". It was, in fact, a Volkswagen Jetta, which I only discovered once I'd found out where somebody had placed the top of the trunk.

The other day, I noticed that the largest piece of the vehicle was missing from the back yard. If they had dispensed with the roof or the front doors, I wouldn't have known it had happened; those parts were placed unobtrusively behind some of the other debris of the yard. But this was not the case. One day, there was a huge chunk of Jetta chassis back there, the next- nothing. It is an absolute mystery to me how this was removed. I don't think there is an opening large enough in our fence to admit such an object.

You may at this point ask, and fairly so, "Well how do you think they got it there in the first place?" My working theory is that they drove the whole Jetta into the yard, and only afterwards did they a) erect the fence, and b) dismantle the car, probably with a chainsaw. I don't know in what order those last two events occured, and it's only a theory anyway. I don't intend to stick around long enough to find out for certain.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Well, here I am.

Floating in space. I wrote a post last night in my happy little Mac text editor, but quite frankly, it's too damn depressing to put up here. The internet is emo enough; I don't need to go around making it worse. Instead, I shall describe to you my current surroundings.

I'm in a library; the West Valley branch of the San Jose Public Library System. It is a nice enough building, I suppose, and has free wifi, so that's a major plus. Still, the CD rack outweighs by many hundreds of times the section on computer programming, and one of their sections has the heading "Adult Nonfiction", and the subheading "Paranormal/Astrology", etc. I took a picture, but I don't have the connecting cord on me to place it in this post. Next time, perhaps.

Meanwhile, I'm downloading Firefox 3. I tried it out a couple of weeks ago; it was pretty cool.

That's about all I've got for the time being. Work is going all right, and looks to be going better in the very near future. I have decided not to pursue the lab manager job I've already turned down; things at Stanford are satisfactory for now. (How can a person as damn poor as me truthfully write a sentence like that? What is wrong with my life? ...And, we're back to emo.)