Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Timing is everything.

I have finally discovered, thanks to Wikipedia, the definition of "freem", the word describing Stephen Colbert during the opening sequence of the Report. It is, it turns out,

Said to be "Freedom" without the "Do" because Colbert "do[es] it all for you." Also, there shouldn't be "dumb" in Freedom.

Great! Now I know. Except now, it's useless; no longer is there an image of Colbert standing next to the word "Freem" during the opening. Now, he stands next to the far more comprehensible "Eneagled". Stephen Colbert is eneagled; I know this to be true, thanks to the Report. Obviously, the power I wield with this blog is enormous; I should get a job making predictions for the Report. Stephen's ability to "Call It" would shoot up.

In other news, I got to talk to Wendy this morning, thanks to the magic of Skype. Only, she didn't have her mic hooked up or something, so we talked in the same way I am making a speech now. It was nice to catch up a little, but she had to get to work, and I had to get off the couch where I'd just finished up another marathon sleeping session. I'm getting a little sick of these; I can't wait until summer. I don't think I'll be taking any classes this summer, so I should be able to sleep just about enough during the day. And hopefully, I will get 6-8 hours a day, instead of 3, 3, 18. Which, oddly, I think was my locker combination in middle school. This means something. Something important.


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