Tuesday, February 20, 2007

For the love of the game.

Things to do while loading any given MMORPG on your computer:

1. Have a glass of wine. You'll probably need it.

2. Put a meal in the oven.

3. Smoke a cigarette.

4. Pull a meal out of the oven.

5. Eat a good-sized meal.

6. Smoke a cigarette.

7. Have some yogurt for dessert.

8. Drive to the gas station for cigarettes. (Unless you followed step one. Drunk drivers are responsible for about 20% of my irritation about working.)

9. Pour some yogurt into your bathtub.

10. Pour some water into your bathtub.

11. Wait for the bacteria to eat the clog in your bathtub drain.

12. Watch the DVD that came with that CD you bought.

13. Resolve never to watch artists' DVDs that come with CDs. Ever again.

14. Smoke a cigarette.

15. Clean all that yogurty crap out of your suddenly messy bathtub.

16. Use your other computer to blog about installing games.

17. Insert disc 2. Out of 7.


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