Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Frozen schedule.

I had two tests scheduled this week at two completely different schools. The test I had scheduled yesterday got cancelled; school was closed due to extreme cold. The test for today? Same thing. If I can keep this streak up, I may ace this semester without actually attending class. Sure, it'll be hard to have a snow day in mid-April, but I think that if we, as the great state of Michigan, really pull together, we can make this happen. For me.

I'm also looking to buy a new computer. There's someone here in town selling a year-old iBook; I'd be very happy with a Mac. It seems to be a nice system, but that's just what I'm told through e-mails; I haven't actually met the guy or seen the computer yet. I've offered to meet him this afternoon, and with any luck, we'll be making a deal. Monty Hall would be proud.


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