Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's about damn time,

That's all I can say. Now, all they need to do is mix some Slim-Fast powder into the batter, and you've got yourself the perfect breakfast, my friend.

I could certainly go for some caffeine at, really, any given moment during the day. I fell asleep in biology yesterday, and chemistry this morning. I've had plenty of free time to study for Kaplan, but I just can't bring myself to crack the books. Maybe I'll quit. I don't know. I'll see how things go at my next teachback, and make decisions accordingly.

At any rate, I'll be in CA for spring break. My vacation time at the hospital still hasn't come through, and I'm kind of fine with that- if it gets rejected, I'll just use up my three auto-exempt days. It's not the way I want this to play out, but I've given up more than my share of life to support them; I think I deserve a few days off. Plus, it's always nice to see my nephews, and I've had quite enough of winter.

And now for something completely the same as above, it's about damn time this site got noticed. Good job, CNN- way to keep up with the most recent trends.

P.S. I didn't know PETA allowed their women-folk to shave. I guess I was wrong.


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