Sunday, February 18, 2007


Yesterday, I slept for twelve hours. Everyone to whom I've recited this fact has been supportive and impressed. "Good job" seems to be the statement of consensus. I feel a little differently. There were things I needed to do yesterday, and I'd have liked not to have missed the whole day just because my stupid body needed stupid sleep. Yeah, yeah, I know sleep is important. But I'm not just talking about trivial things I needed to do yesterday, like blogging and shopping and laundry. I'm talking about things like eating and going to the bathroom. Have you ever gone twelve hours without a bathroom break? You'd think my body would have woken up for that, at least. I'm pretty sure I didn't pee in my pants, since they didn't smell like stale urine (and working in a hospital, I know from stale urine). Also, I had to pee really badly when I woke up.

And then there's the food issue. It turns out, even though you don't use up much food while sleeping, you still wake up pretty damn hungry. So you're thinking, "Wow! He must have eaten a lot right after waking up!" Well, no. I only woke up because my downstairs neighbor called me, and in my sleep-induced stupor, I told him I'd hang out with him. Now, he's a decent guy, but hanging out with him is a little time-consuming, and while I made a few politely insistent attempts to leave his apartment, he either would not take the hint, or is so desperate for company that he will take me captive, whether I give my consent or not. (Which of those options makes him out to be the better person? Your answer may reveal a lot about yourself.) I was a few minutes late for work because of him, which always bothers me. To be fair, he did offer me food, but I had to turn him down- I was already running late, and couldn't hang out any longer.

So it ended up being about 23 hours between meals for me. I made up for it by going out for breakfast this morning, but there's something sad about going out for breakfast alone. Especially if the sort of out-of-the-way, obscure little breakfast and lunch place you pick for a quiet, lonely meal happens to be invaded by a post-Saturday night party sorority. I am so glad I wasn't drinking last night; I don't think I could've handled that with a hangover.

And now I am doing laundry. So I guess it all worked out, except I really want to get into World of Warcraft, but I don't know if I can even budget for it, which I guess is a nonissue since I'd planned to buy it yesterday, before I decided to offer my neighbor money in exchange for the couches he offered me. He felt a little bad about accepting funds in exchange for goods and/or services, so he threw in a coffee table. I though I'd lowballed him on the price, so it was a pleasant surprise. Yay furniture! Damn. I've done a lot in the past day, considering I spent half of it asleep.


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