Saturday, July 12, 2008

Today has been... interesting.

So, I went out book shopping today. I got up to the used book store in Mountain View. Funny thing about that book store: it's right next to one of the local branches of a particular well-known group, which tends to creep me the hell out. Outside, there were a bunch of folks in Guy Fawkes masks, or various other face-covering garments. They held signs saying "Ask me about my mask" and "Sci--------- Kills". I'm not sure what exactly they were all up in masks about, but they've got my vote. Hail Xenu.

Anyway, while I was in the bookstore, I picked up a copy of the camel book, which is well-known in the computer science industry. I'm very happy with the purchase, and having just tested out the first hundred pages or so, I already feel like more of a real, honest-to-nerdness programmer. Hooray for nerd fun.

I was embedded in writing some quick scripts for my own amusement, when, at about 7 pm, there came a loud thumping to my attention. At first, I thought, "Ho-hum, this must be one of those 'earthquake' things I've heard so much about. How interesting." But I quickly ascertained that the force that was rattling the structure of my bedroom was both rhythmic and accompanied by a melody. I grabbed my book and headed outside, where the source of the vibrations turned out to be the stereo of a car parked on our front lawn. I hopped into my own vehicle and headed to quieter frontiers. A few hours later, when I returned home, I found out that the police had been called. I have the vague feeling that someone around here might think I'm connected with the cessation of the impromptu concert, but so far, no one has accused me of anything. I think I'm in the clear.

Let's see what tomorrow brings. It might top today, but I'm hoping it won't.


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