Saturday, May 31, 2008

Freedom's just another word...

I'm sure you know the rest. Anyway, I'm out here in California, living out of hotels. My mother and little brother have moved in with me; they're visiting for a week, and my older brother couldn't put them up in his house.

I get that. I really, really do. I mean, he's in the process of moving into a condo, so his housing situation is all up in the air, his financials are pretty tight, and his job doesn't leave him with a lot of time to spend with them. I understand all of those things. Really, it'd be hard to blame a guy in that situation for telling his mother and sibling, "No, I'm sorry; you can't stay with me. It's just a bad time for me."

On the plus side, I managed to finish up a couple of projects I was working on as an independent consultant. It makes me happy to feel that sense of accomplishment. I designed and built something which works, and I did it in a little over a week. The wonderful feeling I have right now can only be topped by the one I'll have next Monday, when I pick up my second paycheck from these guys.


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