Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fun fun!

So, you know that Geico commercial? The one with the caveman on the moving sidewalk in an airport? You know the song that plays in the background? It turns out, that song was written by a band. What's more, the band has written other songs, too. You should check out their kickass video. Now. Go!

Anyway, I'm looking into various positions for biotech, which, I'm told, is where the money is these days. Biotech is being hailed by some people (my brother) as the new computer industry, except that there is more stability in investing in processes to make life-saving pharmaceuticals than in, say, ("Your source for everything related to sweaters for pitbulls! Click here to find a rabies testing facility near you.") This bubble's a little harder to pop, I think.

The hunt is going as well as I'd expected; I found a couple of companies around the country that I'd be willing to at least look up and beg for an internship. I am currently (since about 1/2 hour ago) thinking about drug safety, and what I might be able to do with the FDA or somesuch, but I'm pretty flighty when it comes to decisions like this. It's just one more possible career to throw on the pile, like opera writer or retiree.


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