Monday, October 09, 2006

Damn skippy!

So far, so good. Although the headline is misleading; it is, I believe, the fourth prize; it's just that this is the sixth American to win a prize.

Also, there appears to be an election on the horizon. Thus far, both my biology professor and James Dobson have told me that they don't care how I vote, but that I vote. I believe this to be true, in that neither of them actually cares about me, my vote, or whether or not I exist, but let's think about it for a second. If I listen to someone with an obvious political bias, and they tell me to vote (but not how!), aren't they just trying to drum up support for their own side by mobilizing their political base? Isn't telling me simply to vote also, inherently, telling me how to vote? Oh, wait. That bit is pretty obvious, isn't it... Look at me, being all politically savvy. Y'know, in a way that everyone else has already probably figured out. Go me!


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