Thursday, April 26, 2007

Recent events.

Somebody started a fire in my apartment building last night, because of a cooking accident. Nobody was hurt (at least, not by the fire; those alarms and sirens didn't do a thing for my sleep-deprived self). It was kind of nice to get to know the neighbors, though.

My uncle, who (like several people who are/were my uncle) is a pilot, crashed his plane yesterday. Neither he nor his passenger was hurt, but the plane looks pretty banged up. Details can be found here.

It turns out, "fair use" may have different meanings to a scientific publishing company and a pretty grad student. C'mon, people! This is supposed to be the ivory tower! Why let petty little financial concerns creep in?

I am reading a book called, for lack of an umlaut, "Goedel, Escher, Bach". What's it about? Itself. That would be a hilarious joke if you'd read the first couple of chapters of the book. Really, why do I read anything that doesn't allow me to make horribly obscure, unfunny jokes?

So that's it for now. It's been an eventful day, and I haven't even checked the headlines on CNN yet. Here's hoping for no news.


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