Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mmm... Yummy Kool-aid.

I now have an account on Myspace. But let me assure you, it was for a very good reason that, for the time being, I will not make public.

Be that as it may, it is an interesting experience. I don't think I fully appreciated the cleverness of that other site; it does not simply allow social grouping- it encourages it. And as we all know, when the internet encourages you to do something, by God, you do it. I probably won't keep the account; my adventures in Facebook were extremely short-lived. But they do have one thing Blogger has not yet revealed to me: a view counter. I know that, as of this writing, my Myspace blog has been viewed 10 times. By my reckoning, my Blogger blog has, too, but I don't know for certain. Anyway, check it out before it becomes gone forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some free counters you can use on blogger. Click on the one I have on my page if you want some options. It makes me feel popular to know how many bored people out there read my crap.

1:26 PM  

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