Thursday, December 14, 2006


My hated biology course is over. I just checked my grade; I got a solid "C". Solid. Any more effort for that class would have been wasted. Cool.

Also, I have been working on a combination lock. In theory, it has 64,000 possible combinations. I happened to know a) the last number and b) that I could be off by one, so that narrowed it down to 400 possible combinations. I decided to be creative; I started at 38-38-24 and worked my way down. Two hundred and twenty-eight tries later, nothing. Then, after skipping around some and thinking creatively (and asking the person who gave me the lock in the first place), I found the combination. It was 0-20-24. Had I just started at 0-0-24 and worked my way up, I would have had it on the tenth try. But no, I had to be creative. Two hundred and twenty-nine tries of creative.

I'm an idiot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:30 AM  

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