Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Classroom presentation hell.

The reason I hate my biology lectures is that it is a situation where a guy knows what he is talking about, but not how to talk about it. So he makes up a bunch of powerpoint slides and reads through them waaay too quickly, giving us a bit of an information overload. If there are questions, he answers them, but in terms of what he's already talked about, so it isn't particularly helpful.

Today in bio lab, we had to do presentations and (even worse) sit through other students' presentations. It was exactly like the lecture above, except for the part where the lecturer knew what he was talking about. Other people seemed nervous, which is surprising. I know stage fright from personal experience (you think just talking in front of an audience is bad, try talking about your own perverted sex life), but let's face it: I walked into that classroom knowing I wasn't going to pay any damn attention to anyone else, so I see no reason to assume anyone else would pay any damn attention to me. But, just in case some smartass got any ideas, I did the whole thing monotone- I'm got all Ben Stein on their asses. I think one of my classmates slipped into a coma while I was talking. It was one of the easiest things I've had to do this semester. And now, I never have to go back to that lab again.... until next semester.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, how 'bout a recap on the sex life stuff for your most faithful blog reader????

And sex talk with a Ben Stein sound, wow. Hot!

-w(blogger is being dumb again)

6:21 AM  

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