Do I even have content anymore?
Or do I just link?
I only ask, since the guy mentioned in the above story actually does seem to produce content, but also quotes other stories. How much "blog" must a blogger have to call his blog a blog? (Man, that's a tongue-twister!) What happens if you don't hit that critical level of content? Is it not a blog anymore? This is going to keep me up at night.
No, wait; I live with my 3-year-old nephew and his parents. I sleep like the dead.
In other news, I'm getting a haircut today. I had to actually make an appointment. The place at which I'm getting shorn is more modern than what I'm used to. I admit, I'm a little nervous, but worst-case scenario: a minor scissors slip-up nicks one of my arteries and I bleed to death before anything can be done, being buried with a bad haircut. Worst-realistic-case scenario: I get a bad haircut, followed soon after by 1) a better haircut, or 2) the beginning of this sentence.
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