Saturday, April 12, 2008

On the road: Fourth and Final stop.

I am in Lovelock, NV. I'm a hundred miles or so east of Reno, which I remember distinctly as being featured in The Wizard.

Thanks to Harold, I have been turned on to Picasa (as it is a Google product), and have made a little album of photos. You should go there now.

Nevada is more or less as I expected it to be. Slightly garish cities separated by oceans of scrubland. I am always surprised by the cities, though; I'll see a sign for a town, and have no idea of how big it is until just after I've passed the exit for it on the freeway. Only then will the road curve around the mountains and reveal the secret surprise that is the town. Is it a bustling mini-metropolis? Or perhaps just a trailer park with good PR? I have made a game out of trying to guess correctly based on the number of times it is mentioned in other signs; I'm getting quite good. There is precious little else to do on the road, as I have listened to all my audiobooks. Tonight, I get some more. Hooray Librivox!


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