Nobel Watch '07!
Yet another prize is awarded! For those of you keeping track, you already know. For everyone depending on me to keep track, it's 1.5 awards to Germany so far, and a half a prize each to France, England and America. The natural sciences are all taken care of, so what's left are Literature, Economics and Peace.
Anyway, the guy who won the Chemistry prize said in an interview that he was worried about winning the prize, because it might affect people's perceptions of him. After all, now, people might start thinking he was a genius or something, just because he's a Nobel freakin' laureate! Where would they get that idea?
But he does have a point; when people know you're a genius in one field, they think you're a genius in all fields. Also, Feynman had the problem of wanting to talk about physics, and people only wanted to hear about winning a Nobel prize. So I can actually see where this guy is coming from, in part because he was pretty cool about it being a side note to the main story of "Holy crap! I won a Nobel prize!"
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