Friday, September 21, 2007

So anyway,

I heard a friend of mine got pregnant. I won't reveal her identity, as she may or may not want it to go public yet. Suffice to say, it's no one you know. But it got me thinking: What's the worst-case scenario here? Here.

Also, did you hear about that kid getting Tased at school? I speak from personal experience: you cannot hear someone getting two to three hundred thousand volts pumped into them and feel good about yourself or your species immediately afterwards. The experience of which I speak comes from the hospital, where I sometimes had to take blood for alcohol testing by a police lab. One such patient had opinions as to whether or not he should stand up with which the arresting officers disagreed. I didn't feel safe in the room while they sorted out their various philosophies, so I stepped out for a minute. I then heard a sharp crackle, and when I was summoned back to the room, the guy was a helluva lot more compliant. He didn't scream or cry; he just took it. I'm not sure if I was more scared before the Tasering or after. (Sorry if I've already told this story; but it's weird the kinds of things you reminisce about.)


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