Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hanging out... with my parents.

Good and bad, I guess. On the one hand, I'm hanging out with my parents. On the other, my mom has the exact power cord that will end my Mac power woes.

It doesn't work, but at least I know what the part number is, and have ordered it from the online. It will arrive in the near future, is my hope.

A story came on the local news about porn, and it upset me because it was a story on the local news. Also, because they trotted out "porn addicts" and a church where they could "recover". Yes! Finally! Someone has come up with a cure for wanting to see people naked! Hooray! No sex for anyone ever again! Exclamation point!

Mom's take on the subject was, "As long as kids aren't looking at it". In my own political way, I failed to mention that she has a quilt proudly displayed in her living room which is covered in boobs. I don't even notice it anymore, really. There is also a book in this house entitled, simply, "Naked babies". I guess babies aren't people.

Well, I'm going to stay here a little longer, since you can't beat the price for food and rent, but I'm kinda glad I have to be back at work Thursday night. Nothing like a visit with the folks to make you appreciate not living with your folks.


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