Monday, March 12, 2007

Fun with numbers!

Here are some statistics for your enjoyment:

3: The number of days these statistics cover.

2: rolls of toilet paper I've used to blow my nose.

9: quarts of root beer that come in a dozen 12-oz cans.

2: gallons of root beer I've had to drink.

1: phone calls I've had.

50: dollars the hospital will want from me at some point. Good luck to them.

0: hours I've worked.

0: dollars I've earned. (Makes sense, don't it?)

0: classes attended.

4: cans of chicken noodle soup consumed.

2: showers taken. (I think that's pretty damn good, under the circumstances.)

3: blog posts. (Counting this one.)

So yeah, I've resorted to laying on my couch, hacking feebly, and counting things. Who says being sick is no fun?


Blogger Unknown said...

Do you have your voice back? I'll totally give you a call sometime if you can talk.

I hope you feel better!

8:28 PM  

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