Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hanging out.

I spent the evening hanging out with a good friend. We watched Van Helsing, which is just an awful film, but so bad that making fun of it is a good time. On the drive home, I thought about the fact that it is simply a mishmash of other films, with a vampire story thrown over the whole thing like a blanket, and I realized that that might be an actual artistic statement: here's this movie, which has Frankenstein's monster in it, and it's composed of other films in an unholy attempt to bring the whole thing to life, like the monster itself!

It's still crap, but maybe it's justified crap. ... On second thought, no. No, it's not.

Had the day off of work today, and I went over to campus to see if I wanted to get another bachelor's. It turns out, I do; especially since the advisor I went to see, the person whose job it is to have good student relations and thereby obtain moneys for the university, suggested that I get some credit on the cheap at the local community college. If she's willing to tell me to take part of my business elsewhere (not all of it, mind you), then I'm fine with getting into that program. So I will probably get a head start on the degree by taking some basic-level classes at a drastically reduced tuition, probably paying out of my own pocket instead of using up some credit-hours that my employer offers. I figure, if I only get a certain amount of credit hours (12) reimbursed per year, I may as well use them at the more expensive college. But then, I'm slick like that.


Blogger Scott said...

Pastiche is the post-modern trope, even if it is used with Romantic-period literature. I'm a friend of Wendi's, by the way, and I thoroughly approve of her hanging out with anyone who can provide justification for a load of excrement.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, looks like we have permission to hang out...woohoo!

I forgot to call you today. Sorry. I'll try to remember at an hour when you might be awake.

9:05 PM  

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