Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interesting discussion.

There is, in the world, a movie of recent interest. It is about the horrible oppression of a people based on their religious beliefs. Of course, they're being "oppressed" because they're trying to force their beliefs on the rest of the world, but let that go for a minute. You can go back to being irate when you're finished here.

This movie generated a bit of press, but that press is at the New York Times website, which requires a login. So here's the upshot: Evolutionary biologist PZ Myers was kicked out of a screening of the movie, because he believes in evolution, and does not believe in God. This movie is about allowing people with dissenting viewpoints to express their ideas freely. Yeah. It hurts me, too.

Anyway, there is a video about it, straight from Mr Ed's mouth. (Fair warning: this video takes a fair bit of processing power. Avoid multitasking while it's running.) You may wish to bone up on your film theory here, though. Trust me; you'll be glad you did.

I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said; it's an intellectual travesty, it makes a mockery of the very theme of the movie, hypocrisy, assholery, blah blah blah. I just felt that your attention needed to be drawn to it.


Here's something I just found out. (This is in addition to the post above, which I wrote before I discovered this interesting, interesting fact.) This film stars Ben Stein. I did not know that, despite everything I'd read and heard about it. Nobody is mentioning that it's Ben Stein in the movie. The full title of the movie is, in fact, "Ben Stein is EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed." I only found this out when I went searching for the movie's website to make that first link up there. It took me several tries, mostly because I couldn't fit what I believed about Ben Stein with what I believed about this movie. Obviously, I am going to have to shift some of my beliefs. I will now spend some time in penance and feeling gullible. If you need me, check penance. I'm probably there.


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