Monday, February 04, 2008

Wallowing in geekdom.

Today at work, I wrote a program that writes webpages. I'm feeling very proud of myself. So, I have geek, geek and geek, to celebrate.

And if you were wondering, my nerdiness on that second one works out thus:
Check, check, no check, no check, check, no check, check, check, no check, check, check, check, check, semi-check, no check, check, no check, no check, semi-check, no check. That's a geek score of 11/20 (counting each semi-check as 1/2 point). Pitiful. I must try harder to be nerdy. Except the only thing I'm not already into on the list that appeals to me is Battlestar Galactica. I wonder if other people have problems like "insufficient geekiness". Also, they left "dead languages" off the list, as well as the biggy: "Computers"! Onion's AV Club, you have failed me.


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