Sunday, February 03, 2008

Do you believe this stuff?

Here, we have links to a couple of blogs that I've just discovered as part of "Blogroll Amnesty Day", which (apparently) has dark and disturbing origins. Spooky!

While I'm doublespeaking on this subject, I have a link here to a note, written by a university official to a student attempting to start up a campus unreligious group. It speaks of tolerance and acceptance toward others' religious views and practices. I have to wonder with this sort of thing: If someone starts up a Christian group, do they have to pray toward Mecca five times a day and keep kosher and keep vegetarian and sacrifice goats? Because it seems just a little religiously intolerant if they don't.

(As an ass-covering side note, I don't personally endorse animal sacrifice, vegetarianism, prayer, or atheism. All those things are bad, bad, bad. I guess.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

atheism is bad? why?

9:03 AM  

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