Saturday, November 03, 2007

Who's sailing the authorship?

Okay, that title is a godawful pun, and I apologize right off the bat for not being able to think of anything more clever.

Moving on, this story caught my eye, mostly because I wasn't aware it was supposed to be a story anymore. Book written, sold, anger ensued, suit ensued (see? I am capable of better puns!) and I thought that was it. But no, now we need a tally of everyone who felt cheated enough to go to the effort of getting their money back. What really interested me, though, was the ratio of dollars going to the lawyers who fought and lost the case to dollars going to the people who, according to the principles of justice and law, kind of won the case. (They won, incidentally, the right to return a book full-price, when they could've simply sold it for slightly less money online. Or, who knows? Maybe more money!) That ratio is pretty fucking big. More than 28 to 1. I checked.

So, to recap: a.) The lawyers for the publishing house did not win. b.) For every dollar these poor cheated readers received, the legal firm got 28 dollars. And change. Probably for coffee. c.) I left law school because of my grades, which were bad, which I thought would prevent me from having a successful legal career.

Clearly, I'm an idiot. Wish me luck on learning to program; it's fun to get frustrated at a machine that is so incredibly stupid, you have to literally tell it how to do everything. At least, if you're into my kind of fun, you perverted freak.


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