Friday, March 30, 2007

Shock and aww....

I failed a bio test today. This would have bothered me, if I weren't switching majors. And, you know, if I had ever cared about my grades. Ever.

After the test, the TA who runs my lab came up to me and pointed out that I hadn't shown up to class in four or five weeks, and just wanted to know what was going on. I explained to her, pretty calmly, that I intended to fail the class. I feel compelled to point out that this woman is a Catholic nun, so that you understand what I'm saying when I describe her reaction as: she looked like I'd just told her I was the antichrist, but wouldn't bother with mortal souls, since I was fine with corrupting bags of Cheetos. A weird mixture of fear, relief, and uncomfortable amusement is what I was going for, there.

Speaking of TAs, I noticed that the "Teacher's Assistant Union" had chalked up campus. One sign that they wrote: "TAs + Union = A Better Education. It all add's up." (sic) I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that it wasn't some English grad student who wrote that.

I kind of forgot to sleep today. Work tonight will suck. I got a couple of hours this morning, but not nearly enough. Thank god for caffeine.


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