Saturday, March 24, 2007

Plans, plans.

I had a fortune cookie at work last night. The fortune? "You have clearly loved every minute of your job." I am not kidding. I could not make heads or tails of it until I remembered that, as with all baked goods based predictions, one must append the words "in bed" to the end of it. I do love my job in bed! Sleep is always good.

Yesterday, I went to talk to the computer science people about switching to a CS major. I was handed several options by a person who, to me, resembled that spacey fortune-telling professor from Harry Potter. But she knew what she was on about, and suggested, in addition to the basic "second bachelor's" plan, that I might be interested in a master's degree. And it turns out, I might at that. Of course, the first couple of years would resemble getting a bachelor's in CS, and it would take more years than a bachelor's, but my dad trotted out the old truism, "How old will you be in four (or five, or eight) years if you don't get the degree?" But since I don't really plan to live that long (and never have), I guess the question is two fold: 1. How rich can I get if I don't get the degree, and 2. will I have a decent quality of life if I choose to pursue this degree?

I think the answer to both of those questions is an emphatic yes. Which doesn't help much with that first part, but I don't think anyone was betting on me making any money during the next decade, so really, I'd only be cheating myself. And maybe, if I rack up enough student debt, I can roll the odometer and get away scot free!


Blogger PaganTomcat said...

ok. . . i'm waiting to see the decision diagram.

6:39 PM  

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